Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ninja Tines?

Ninja Tines are an innovative tine designed to remove organic material only. The tine pulls a small diameter core and will not disrupt the putting surface. You can play right behind it!

What aerifiers are they compatible with?

The mounting shanks of the Ninja Tine, Ninja Tine XL and the Ninja Tine Solid are 3/8” in diameter. You will need a tine block from your manufacturer that can handle a 3/8” diameter tine. For Toro ProCore 648, you can use a Quad Tine Head (2x5) or (1x6), but we recommend the NEW Ninja Ocho Tine Blocks which are (1x8)!

What's the benefit?

You can aerify and play right away. When using Ninja Tines you can remove up to 2% of organic material every time you aerify. The amount of removal will be based on the tine blocks and the forward spacing. When you are done, you can open for play immediately, there is no disruption to the putting surface.

How long do they last?

The overwhelming majority of users can aerify 18 holes with a single set of Ninja Tines. This is dependent on many factors: lateral and forward spacing, depth, the square footage being aerified, soil profile composition, etc.

Any Tips on using?

Ninja Tines are not designed for deep core aerification. They are for organic material removal only. For best results, do not exceed a depth of 2 inches.

How do I know I am getting GENUINE Ninja Tines and not some cheap knock off?

All Ninja Tines are stamped on the top of the shank with an N. If you have the N, you have the Ninjas!

What is an Ocho Block?

The Ninja Ocho Tine Blocks were designed to fit the Toro ProCore 648 aerifier. You will need 6 blocks to fit the ProCore 648. They are sold as a set of 6. The blocks accept 8 Ninja Tines each for a total of 48 tines across the ProCore. This will give you the highest amount of holes per square foot in the industry!

Can I use my existing turf guards with the Ocho Blocks?

No. The Ninja Ocho Tine Blocks MUST be used with the Ninja Ocho Turf Guards.

How do I purchase?

Go to the SHOP section above and you can order and pay by credit card. You can email us as well at [email protected].

How do the Ninja OCHO Tine Blocks compare to other tine blocks used on the ProCore 648 aerifier?

Because of the tighter lateral spacing of 0.958”, the Ninja OCHO tine blocks can generate up to 100 holes/ft2. This gives you the ability to get as aggressive as you need. See table below showing comparisons:


FWD Spacing (inches) Lateral Spacing (inches)   Holes/ft2 Organic Matter Removed Ninja Tine Organic Matter Removed Ninja Tine XL
3.0 0.958" 50 0.67% 1.05%
2.5 0.958" 60 0.81% 1.26%
2.0 0.958" 75 1.01% 1.57%
1.5 0.958" 100 1.35% 2.10%


Launched in 2018 Ninja® Tines became the standard for non-disruptive aerification. Don't be fooled by other companies selling tines they claim replace Ninja® Tines. Look for the "N" on top of the shank to ensure you are getting genuine Ninja® Tines.